Next level Coaching for Extraordinary Entrepreneurs

Ultra-optimize your focus, execution and lifestyle with white-glove coaching. Become the most efficient powerhouse possible at the center of scaling teams, large businesses and even bigger portfolios.

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ShaneTop Entrepreneur
Co-Founder & CEO | Emergent
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Luxury Cosmetics
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ErinTop Entrepreneur
Co-Founder | Skin Perfect Medical
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Designed for Elite Entrepreneurs:


Annual Revenue


Team Head Count


Capital Raised




Custom Coaching For Busy Entrepreneurs

Want three 20 minute calls this week while you sprint on a big—fast-moving—opportunity? No problem. Or a longer deep dive call to plan next month’s strategy? No problem.

As an elite client, not only do you get twice as much time on calls (and more attention outside of calls) we will also customize the weekly ritual to suit your busy schedule.


Designed For Teams

Level up and retain key personnel with coaching across your team. When employees work with a coach they become more independent, feel satisfied in their work, and their effectiveness skyrockets.

The coaching relationship also lets you in on key insights about your team that you would otherwise miss. So you can provide training, resources, or other support for your staff, and watch productivity soar across your business.


Coaching With An Insider

Get a coach who is always up to speed with what’s going on across your businesses. As an Elite client you can add your coach into Asana, Slack, or any tool you use, so they truly feel like part of your team, turning up to every call knowing exactly what’s on your plate.

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My coach alerted me to some difficulties one of my top sales performers was having. I would have never known, but was able to help out and unblock him and since then his revenue contribution has gone off the charts. Having Elizabeth help me close that gap was worth what I’ve paid the whole year. And my team loves it too.

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Will Merrifield

The End Result…

Your concierge for evidence-based productivity and management best practices, so you can perform at the absolute cutting edge of entrepreneurial effectiveness.


With our Elite coaching you can expect to make significant changes in key areas:

  • Get constant clarity on your goals and alignment of actions with your desired future.
  • Experience incredible focus with smart and intentional weekly planning.
  • Quickly understand what is working and what is not, so you can course correct fast.
  • Optimize your calendar and habits for a smooth schedule with ample time for high impact deep work.

Our coaches take a personalized approach, tailoring the program to your specific needs. They will work with you to identify the gap between your current state and your desired future state, and then create a customized plan to help you achieve those goals. Expect to see tangible results such as changes in sales performance when you start delegating tasks and more effective time management.

We understand that flexibility is key. Each week, you’ll have a full hour with your coach. This time can be split into two 30-minute sessions if you’re in a high-execution week or if your schedule is highly variable. For clients working on habit-building, we might even break it into daily 10-minute check-ins to ensure you stay on track. At the end of each quarter, a full-hour session might be used to discuss strategy and big-picture goals.

Your coach will work with you to determine the best cadence of calls based on your individual needs, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or another arrangement that suits you.

Our Elite coaching is designed for C-suite executives. Each week, you’ll collaborate with your coach to identify the highest leverage use of your time, focusing on what truly matters while delegating or ignoring less critical tasks.

You can add free users to our Teams function on the dashboard, allowing your team to see your top priorities and milestones. This transparency adds an extra layer of accountability and helps ensure alignment with overall company goals and OKRs. Your coach can also monitor your team’s progress, allowing for quicker recognition and resolution of issues. If a team member needs additional support, you have the option to sign them up with an accountability coach.

We offer a versatile dashboard as part of your membership, but we also understand the importance of integrating with your existing tech stack. You can add your coach to platforms such as Notion, Asana, Trello, or even personal goal trackers like MyFitnessPal. This allows your coach to track important metrics and KPIs relevant to your growth, such as YoY Revenue, % Growth Rate, CAC, LTV, Churn Rate, Average Order Value, and Gross Margins. Your coach will focus on the metrics that drive growth and help you share relevant information, ensuring that the integration is both effective and efficient.